The Events and Gatherings at or sponsored or co-sponsored by Sacred Haven are powerful spiritual and live changing  experiences designed to bring about pleasure as well as insight into your life.

The event calendar is ever-changing and it will benefit those interested to subscribe to the newsletter to receive updates and announcements as they are forth coming.  For information about some of the Programs in place please visit the links below


Empowering Women:

Dancing with the Solar Feminine: A Shamanic Priestess Process

Dancing with the Solar Feminine is A Shamanic Priestess Processâ„¢ produced and facilitated by EveLynn Maurine,  an emerged Shamanic Priestess from the Mystery School  lineage of Anyaa T. McAndrew and Nicole Christine.   Per Lucia Rene’  in her book,  Unplugging the Patriarchy: “The Solar Feminine embodies yang energy, strength, passion, creativity, and action – qualities that have not been appreciated in females since the Matrilineal Era of some 6,000 years ago.  The Solar Feminine is quite different from the Lunar Feminine whose yin energy is gentle, receptive and nurturing –  the only type of femininity that has been acceptable throughout the Patriarchal Age.” 

The Shamanic Priestess Process ™ fully awakens, enlivens and integrates the inner priestess to her own unique Sacred Work.  Now, at the Turning of the Ages, when the Divine Feminine is returning, women are called to participate in the healing of self, others and our planet.

Shamanic Priestess Circles meet for an extended weekend  every other month for a total of  four  facilitated processing experiences.

On the last day of the Introductory weekend,  each participant  will be given the opportunity to totally commit to the balance of the Process and at that time it becomes a closed circle of sisters who will walk through their own fears to gain their own personal power, passion and magnetism. They become catalysts of change in their own lives and bring their own unique gifts to the lives of those around them.

Awakening priestesses learn to walk the feminine path of deep self care and embodied beauty. Each Woman will align with her inner spiritual authority to discover the ancient and future archetypes that are relevant to her own soul’s calling and her own sacred work.  She emerges as the embodiment of powerful, nurturing, assured representative of her lives work.  She will be forever changed.

Theme One – Introductory weekend
The New Priestess and Women’s Mysteries

Explore the ancient-future role of the priestess as wisdom keeper and chalice for Sacred Presence on Earth. Discover our unique priestess expression through wisdom teachings, music, movement, journaling, and sharing. Learn the archetypes, stages, myths and stories of the Divine Feminine.  Break the silence of our inner maiden by sharing stories of our first blood. Lay the foundation for “living ceremony.” Discover the feminine spiritual journey as a path of beauty, power, self-love and service.  Tap into your inner wisdom to feel if you are called to commit to the balance of the Process and remain with the Circle.

Themes Two through Nine will be incorporated into a sequential flow which will accommodate the number of participants in the final circle.

Theme Two

Understand the significance of the Heroine’s Journey of the feminine through time and through Patriarchy. Create a safe, nurturing space for ritual pampering and foot-washing as a means of honoring the journey each of us has taken to the return of the priestess on earth. Prepare ourselves for “initiation” through journaling, movement and sharing. Co-create an Initiation ceremony with specially crafted Intention Statements to set our direction through the Process.

Theme Three

Enlightening the Shadow Between Women
Use powerful processes to explore Projection, the Inner Patriarch, and the roles and patterns women inherit that keep them from walking in full consciousness. Learn how to live with a strong supportive inner yang/masculine, a healthy heart, and an expressive emotional body fully serving the Divine Feminine within.

Theme Four

Telling the Stories of our Spiritual Journey
Honor each other with special music and nurturing to create a womb of safety and comfort. Call back the lost essence of our priestess selves and weave together our common threads by telling the stories of our own personal spiritual journeys.

Theme Five

Archetypes and the Wheel of the Year

Learn the Wheel of the Year and the phases of the Moon as a basis of planetary sacred timings. Explore the archetypes of our lineage, our inner feminine and masculine, our relationship path, woudned healer and soul’s destiny  through the vehicle of Shamanic Astrology. Create an experiential medicine wheel to acknowledge all of our personal archetypes.

Theme Six  

Sacred Marriage
Deepen, explore, refine & integrate the dance of the inner feminine and masculine through music, dance and a Sacred Marriage Ceremony.

Theme Seven

Conscious Death                                                                                                                                                                                      Using  Using Shamanic Journeying,  Sacred Art, and Living Ceremony, clear blockages to full life force energy and full chakra alignment. Travel between the worlds to say good-by to our old selves and Old Earth.

Sacred Rebirth
Call forth a vision of the New Earth Shamanic Priestess and her highest destiny, and co-creatively rebirth in to our Priestess selves.

Theme Nine

Embodiment & Emergence of the Priestess Within
Integrate our 6-9 month process with powerful witnessing, journaling and sharing, and prepare for our Emergence Ceremony. Host an Emergence  and Ordination Ceremony for our guests and allies.*

*There will also be an option at Emergence for EveLynn to legally ordain you as a non-denominational Clergy through the Madonna Interfaith Community.


Empowering Women:  Red Tent Temple Gatherings





Sacred Intimacy Series

The Power of Erotic Touch